I am using this service now and while I got a good to ho-hum review it sounds like the reviewer didn’t read my entire book. Based on some of the conclusions they made I think they read 75% of a 70k YA. Most people can chug through a YA in an afternoon so I was disappointed.
Several reedsy discovery readers are “following” me but I’m not sure what a “follow” is worth. Having spent $50 on stupider things the money doesn’t bother me, but I do feel foolish for having been taken. Apparently indie book money is made off the authors on book covers and reviews, not the selling of actual books.
I have found navigating this whole review issue very frustrating. I have several half-finished projects on inkitt.com under CelieWells and have only received a few comments even though based on my analytics thousands of unique readers have read my work. Their matrix at least shows what chapters people read and it’s free to use.